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Account & Pass Options
We offer a range of options for paying EastLink tolls. To help you choose, explore their features and benefits below.
Key benefit
Tolls are cheapest when using a tag.
Only EastLink's toll accounts have ZERO surcharges for VISA, MasterCard and American Express.
How it works
EastLink's pre-paid tag account can be opened with a single opening payment of $40, even if you want more than one tag. The opening payment is credited to your account as a pre-paid Account Balance. As you incur tolls and charges, they are deducted from your Account Balance.
When your Account Balance drops below the Minimum Balance Amount for your account:
If you have automatic payment set up, the Top Up Amount will be deducted from your nominated credit/debit card or bank account
Otherwise, your tag will beep three times when passing under a tolling gantry to tell you it's time to make a top up payment
If your Account Balance drops below $0, we will send you a Suspension Warning to provide an opportunity to make a payment prior to your account being suspended.
If your account is suspended, we will send you a Suspension Notice and your tag will beep four times when passing under a tolling gantry. A suspended account can't be used to pay tolls, and you will receive a toll invoice with additional fees if you travel on any tollway.
Compatible toll roads
A tag account works on all tollways in Australia.
Fees, charges and amounts may apply in addition to tolls.
Quick tips
Always ensure that the class of the tag fitted in any vehicle is exactly the same class as the vehicle. The class of the tag is printed on each tag:
CAR = Car
LCV = Light Commercial Vehicle
HCV = Heavy Commercial Vehicle
To avoid unnecessary image processing fees, fit the tag in your vehicle according to the installation instructions.
Installation instructions for newer style tag (issued by EastLink from mid September 2019)

Tag Installation Instructions - newer style tag
Installation instructions for older style tag (no longer issued by EastLink)

Tag Installation Instructions - older style tag
What the tag beeps mean
Your tag should beep each time you pass under a tolling gantry.
One tag beep means your tag has been detected correctly. No action required.
Three tag beeps means your account balance is low. It's time to make a top up payment.
Four tag beeps means your account has been suspended. You need to buy an EastLink trip pass to pay for your EastLink trip. You must also separately make sufficient payment on your account to reactivate it for future trips. (If you hear four tag beeps on another tollway, e.g. CityLink, you need to contact that tollway operator to buy the appropriate pass for that tollway, e.g. contact Transurban Linkt to buy a CityLink pass.)
No tag beeps means your tag may be faulty or may not be correctly installed in your vehicle. For tag faults, contact your tolling account provider.
More information about tags and what to do if your tag is not beeping.
Keep your vehicle details up to date on the account (login to the account to do this)
If you don’t remove a vehicle that has been sold, you could be paying for the new owner’s tolls.
If you don’t add a new vehicle, you could receive toll invoices with additional fees.
Key benefit
All the convenience of a pre-paid tag account, but without a tag.
Only EastLink's toll accounts have ZERO surcharges for VISA, MasterCard and American Express.
How it works
EastLink's pre-paid non-tag account can be opened with a single opening payment of $40. The opening payment is credited to your account as a pre-paid Account Balance. As you incur tolls and charges, they are deducted from your Account Balance.
When your Account Balance drops below the Minimum Balance Amount for your account:
If you have automatic payment set up, the Top Up Amount will be deducted from your nominated credit/debit card or bank account
Otherwise, we will send you a Low Balance Warning email (or SMS) to tell you it's time to make a top up payment
If your Account Balance drops below $0, we will send you a Suspension Warning to provide an opportunity to make a payment prior to your account being suspended.
If your account is suspended, we will send you a Suspension Notice. A suspended account can't be used to pay tolls, and you will receive a toll invoice with additional fees if you travel on any tollway.
Compatible toll roads
A non-tag account only works on EastLink and CityLink. It does not work interstate.
An Image Processing Fee will be charged in addition to the toll for every trip made. (The image processing fee is waived for motorcycles as they don't have a tag option.)
Fees, charges and amounts apply in addition to tolls.
Quick tips
Always ensure you keep the following up to date on your account (login to your account to do this):
The details of each of your vehicles
All of your contact details
Key benefit
Pay per trip without needing an account.
How it works
Do NOT buy a trip pass if your vehicle or rental vehicle has a valid tag installed. The EastLink trip will always be charged to the valid tag.
If your vehicle is NOT a rental vehicle, a trip pass can be purchased before your trip on EastLink, or up to 3 days after.
For most rental vehicles, a trip pass should be purchased before your trip on EastLink. If there is no trip pass available at the time of the trip, the toll will be charged to the rental company. Check with your rental company how tolls and passes apply to their vehicles.
One EastLink trip pass pays for a single trip in one direction on EastLink only (e.g. a return trip on EastLink requires two trip passes).
With one trip pass you can exit EastLink and re-enter in the same direction provided you don't repeat a section and you complete your trip within one hour after you first entered EastLink.
The price of each EastLink trip pass is fixed, and does not vary with the length of your journey on EastLink. You can travel the full length of EastLink in one direction for the cost of one trip pass.
You can buy more than one EastLink trip pass at a time. When you buy a trip pass you don't need to tell us when you're going to use it. We'll store each trip pass until you make the trip on EastLink.
A trip pass is not refundable or transferable. An unused trip pass expires 6 months after purchase.
Compatible toll roads
An EastLink trip pass only works on EastLink. It does not work on any other tollway.
Fees, charges and amounts apply in addition to tolls.
Quick tips
On our website you can check to see if there are any unused trip passes available for your vehicle.
With one trip pass you can exit EastLink and re-enter in the same direction provided you don't repeat a section and you complete your trip within one hour after you first entered EastLink.
Key benefit
No need to arrange an account or trip pass - just wait for our invoice to arrive by email, SMS or post.
How it works
If you travel on EastLink without a valid tag or account, and without buying an EastLink trip pass within three days after your trip, we will send a Toll Invoice by email, SMS or post to the registered owner of the vehicle. The Toll Invoice includes fees in addition to the tolls incurred.
You have three main options when settling a toll invoice, one of which you need to have completed by the Due Date displayed on the toll invoice:
pay it in full
nominate someone else as the driver at the time of travel
transfer it in full (including fees) to a non-EastLink account, if you believe at the time of travel you had a valid tolling account issued by a tollway other than EastLink. (You cannot transfer a toll invoice to an EastLink account. We would already have done that if it was possible.)
If you do not take action by the Due Date, we will send you an Overdue Notice by email, SMS or post. An Overdue Notice has higher fees than a Toll Invoice.
Failure to settle an Overdue Notice may result in Victoria Police issuing an infringement notice (a "fine") to the vehicle's owner or driver. The cost of an infringement notice would be $198.
Compatible toll roads
EastLink toll invoices only cover trips on EastLink.
Additional fees apply in addition to tolls.
Quick tips
You must ensure that your VicRoads (or interstate) vehicle registration details including your contact details (including email address, mobile phone number and postal address) are accurate and up to date.
If your tolling account is suspended and you receive a Toll Invoice or Overdue Notice for unregistered travel on EastLink, you need to top up your account AND pay the toll invoice or overdue notice separately. Reactivating your account by topping it up will not cover trips taken on EastLink while the account was suspended.
If your vehicle is a Taxi, you cannot transfer a toll invoice to an account - you can only pay it or nominate someone else.
Key benefit
Monthly invoicing in arrears.
How it works
EastLink's post-paid business account is only available to businesses and organisations that want to pay monthly in arrears.
Businesses and organisations applying for a post-paid business account are subject to a credit check.
Tolls and charges are invoiced monthly in arrears.
Payment options include EFT, Visa, MasterCard, American Express and cheque.
Compatible toll roads (tag option)
A tag account works on all tollways in Australia.
Compatible toll roads (non-tag option)
A non-tag account only works on EastLink and CityLink. It does not work interstate.
Fees, charges and amounts apply in addition to tolls, including a quarterly Account Management Fee.
Quick tips
Always ensure that the class of the tag fitted in any vehicle is exactly the same class as the vehicle. The class of the tag is printed on each tag:
CAR = Car
LCV = Light Commercial Vehicle
HCV = Heavy Commercial Vehicle
To avoid unnecessary image processing fees, fit the tag in your vehicle according to the installation instructions.
Installation instructions for newer style tag (issued by EastLink from mid September 2019)

Tag Installation Instructions - newer style tag
Installation instructions for older style tag (no longer issued by EastLink)

Tag Installation Instructions - older style tag
What the tag beeps mean
Your tag should beep each time you pass under a tolling gantry.
One tag beep means your tag has been detected correctly. No action required.
Three tag beeps means your account balance is low. It's time to make a top up payment.
Four tag beeps means your account has been suspended. You need to buy an EastLink trip pass to pay for your EastLink trip. You must also separately make sufficient payment on your account to reactivate it for future trips. (If you hear four tag beeps on another tollway, e.g. CityLink, you need to contact that tollway operator to buy the appropriate pass for that tollway, e.g. contact Transurban Linkt to buy a CityLink pass.)
No tag beeps means your tag may be faulty or may not be correctly installed in your vehicle. For tag faults, contact your tolling account provider.
More information about tags and what to do if your tag is not beeping.
Keep your vehicle details up to date on the account (login to the account to do this)
If you don’t remove a vehicle that has been sold, you could be paying for the new owner’s tolls.
If you don’t add a new vehicle, you could receive toll invoices with additional fees.
Apply for a post-paid business account
To apply for a post-paid business account, complete this application form:
Terms and conditions apply:
EastLink payment options
Find out about the three main toll payment options offered by EastLink. Accounts issued by other tollway operators may also work on EastLink - check with the tollway operator.
Reasons for receiving an EastLink toll invoice
If you have received an EastLink toll invoice unexpectedly, this video explains the main reasons.
Nominating an EastLink toll invoice to another person
If you have received an EastLink toll invoice but you weren't the driver at the time of the EastLink trip, find out how to nominate the driver.