The EastLink Customer Advocate
The EastLink Customer Advocate can review a complaint outcome
If you have had a complaint with EastLink and are not satisifed with the outcome, you can contact the EastLink Customer Advocate to request a review of the complaint outcome.
About the EastLink Customer Advocate
The EastLink Customer Advocate's role is to review disputes from EastLink customers, where the customer is not satisfied with the outcome of EastLink’s complaint resolution process.
The core objective of the EastLink Customer Advocate is to make responses and findings that are thorough and fair.
The EastLink Customer Advocate is functionally independent, with the power to investigate problems, resolve issues and make decisions.
The EastLink Customer Advocate operates separately from EastLink’s operations departments, and reports directly to the EastLink Managing Director.
EastLink is bound by the findings made by the EastLink Customer Advocate.
Contacting the EastLink Customer Advocate
If you have not yet contacted EastLink about your enquiry or complaint, please first contact EastLink’s customer service team on EastLinkAdmin@connecteast.com.au
You can contact the EastLink Customer Advocate if you are not satisfied with the outcome of EastLink's complaint resolution process, and you wish to request a review of the complaint outcome.
Please note that the EastLink Customer Advocate cannot investigate or make a finding in relation to infringement penalty notices or fines issued by Victoria Police. In those cases you should follow the instructions provided with the infringement penalty notice or fine and contact Fines Victoria directly by phone on (03) 9200 8111 or by mail to Fines Victoria, GPO Box 1916, Melbourne VIC 3001.
Contact details for the EastLink Customer Advocate:
Mail: EastLink Customer Advocate, PO Box 804, Ringwood, VIC 3134
Include the following information in your correspondence to the EastLink Customer Advocate:
Complaint reference number previously provided by EastLink
Your full name
Your contact details (e.g. email address and phone number)
Your EastLink account number or EastLink toll invoice number (if applicable), or your vehicle licence plate number
A brief description of your complaint
What happened following your complaint to EastLink
Why you are unhappy with the outcome, and the outcome you are seeking
Quarterly reports
The EastLink Customer Advocate publishes quarterly reports.