Videos about EastLink trials of automated vehicles

June 20th, 2018


Watch the ARRB video about the EastLink trials of automated vehicle technologies. Watch EastLink's video about accidents that could have been avoided with driver assistance functions.

With partners VicRoads, ARRB, La Trobe University and RACV, EastLink has been conducting trials of automated vehicle technologies.

The first phase of these trials has concluded, with detailed reports provided to VicRoads as well as the participating vehicle manufacturers.

Among other findings, the trials demonstrated the importance of clear line markings to help vehicles "see" the lanes of a freeway, and improve the effectiveness of some of the latest driver assistance functions such as lane keep assistance and lane departure warning.

Approximately 95% of motor vehicle accidents are caused by human error.

The latest driver assistance functions - already available in Australia in some of the latest vehicles - can help to significantly reduce the likelihood of an accident, for example:

  • blind spot warning
  • lane keep assistance
  • lane departure warning
  • dynamic cruise control
  • autonomous emergency braking

Watch this video about accidents that could have been avoided using these functions: