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EastLink switches over to SICE system

EastLink, has successfully switched over to a new state-of-the-art tolling back office system and customer website, provided by SICE, the global intelligent transport systems provider (www.sice.com)
EastLink’s new tolling back office system is a tailored version of SICE’s Billing and Invoicing System (BIS).
Since going live, the new system has been successfully processing the tolls and payments for the 250,000 vehicle trips and 1.2 million fully electronic toll point transactions made on EastLink each day.
The change-over to the new SICE system was completed over just one weekend. This was a remarkable achievement, including the migration of historical data for 560,000 customer accounts, 2.8 million casual user accounts, 3.4 million Australian DSRC tolling tags, 18 million Australian vehicles and 32 million trips.
EastLink’s new SICE system provides the functionality of the previous system, including Australia-wide interoperability of tolling tags and tollways. The new SICE system adds numerous functional improvements specified by EastLink to assist customer service officers and customers. The new SICE system is also more efficient and operates with more real-time functionality compared to the previous system.
Unlike EastLink’s previous website, the new website at www.eastlink.com.au is fully adaptive to different device types (e.g. mobile phones and tablets as well as desktop computers).